Neuro Physiotherapy

Neuro physiotherapy is a specialized branch of physical therapy that is dedicated to improving the function of patients suffering from physical impairment caused by neurological conditions.
Dr. Neetu Rathi(PT) Best Neuro Physiotherapist in Gurgaon treats several Conditions in which Neuro Physiotherapy is used:
Any neurological condition that affects physical movement and bodily ability can be treated using Neuro Physiotherapy. 

neuro physiotherapist in gurgaon

Some common conditions in which this is useful include:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Traumatic brain injury/head Injury
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Stroke
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Bell’s palsy

If you are looking for Neuro Physiotherapist in Gurgaon you may book an appointment at 9582741750/9467741374

Depending on the medical condition, the effects may range from motor deficits, paralysis, tremor, and spasm to ataxia or lack of sensation. Damage to the central nervous system can cause the breakdown of afferent and efferent pathways carrying nerve signals to and from muscles and organs, causing the symptoms of neurological conditions.

Neuro physiotherapy consist of?

The purpose of neuro physiotherapy is to help rehabilitate physical disabilities caused by emotional conditions as already mentioned. It is customized to the individual needs of each person. For example, does the patient need major improvements such as learning to walk again, or is it a small movement that needs to be adjusted? This is determined by the neuro physiotherapist at their very first visit

Losing and building up new connections by the brain is called neuroplasticity. Neuro physiotherapy differs from traditional physiotherapy in that it utilizes this phenomenon, helping the brain to build new synaptic connections. It stimulates the brain to learn or re-learn tasks and skills.

Physiotherapy treatment at Rid Of Pain Physiotherapy Neuro Physiotherapist in Gurgaon will help:

  • Make movements easier to achieve that are precise and goal-directed
  • Retrain normal patterns of movement
  • Improve ability with everyday activities
  • Increase muscle strength
  • Increase range of movement
  • Improve gross or fine motor skills
  • Improve posture
  • Increase balance
  • Lengthen tight muscles to help decrease spasticity and reduce contractures
  • Increase fitness levels and endurance
  • Help problems with breathing
  • Reduce the risk of chest infections
  • Reduce the risk of falling
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Relieve pain
  • Increase independence
  • Achieve maximum potential
  •  It is not limited to simple exercise routines or exercises designed to build strength and coordination. Legs or splints are prescribed to help the joints recover. depending on the severity of the injury, Mobility aids are needed in some cases, such as a wheelchair or a special wheelchair, including training to use them.
  • In all cases of neuro physiotherapy, the exercises taught by neurological physiotherapists should be repeated both at the clinic and at home daily to ensure that muscle tone and muscle function do not deteriorate which may include simple home exercises, or regular visits to the rid of pain physiotherapy clinic to participate in parallel or group activities.
  • Rehabilitation will depend on the degree of injury/damage to the brain, as well as how neuro physiotherapy begins. In addition, the attitude or determination of the person affected is also important for success. Family members need to be equally or more involved in this process, not only to ensure that neuro physiotherapy treatment is done both at home and in the clinic but also to improve the patient’s behavior, attitude and confidence

