
If at the age of 30 you are stiff and out of shape, you are old. If at the age of 60 you are supple and strong, then you are young: Joseph Pilates
Pilates is a type of low-impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles simultaneously improving postural alignment and bodily flexibility. Pilates teaches us about Body awareness, so we can maintain the correct posture, and then gives us natural strength and power to maintain better positions and movement patterns. It improves body posture, and flexibility and strengthens the core.


Pilates is one form of exercise in which the person performs a sequence/series of controlled movements that flow into one another with accuracy and precision. It is technically considered a total body workout.
In working the entire body, though, Pilates’ movements are primarily designed to target your core muscles, including your:
• Lower and Upper Back Muscles
• Inner Thigh Muscles
• Abdominal Muscles
• Hip Muscles
• Gluteal Muscles

It helps you boost your body’s natural ability to burn fat

Pilates isn’t the best exercise to burn calories quickly. Pilates helps in building muscle, and this is important since building muscle increase the metabolic rate of your body’s basal -says Doctor Neetu Rathi, the Best Physiotherapist in Gurgaon.

It’s a great way to cross-train and prevent injury

Using Pilate as a tool to get in shape or just improve your overall health helps build strength and flexibility. In your overarching exercise regimen, you need a variety of workouts, including strength training, cardio, flexibility exercises, and maybe even some high-intensity interval training (HIIT). A bunch of these various types of exercise in your fitness plan is called cross-training.

Cross-training is extremely important because it helps prevent the overuse injuries you can get from repetitively using your muscles the same way over and over if you’re only doing one type of workout

Pilates promotes mindfulness and body awareness

Pilates is a type of strength training exercise that encourages you to identify and work within the limits of your body. Another benefit of Pilates is that it encourages you to stay in touch with your body as you build strength. All Other strength trainings like weightlifting etc. encourage a mentality of pushing your body to its limits but not listening to your body, making it easier to ignore your body cues.

Pilate at Rid of Pain Physiotherapy helps relieve tension in your shoulders, back, and legs

Having strong core muscles promotes better posture, which, in turn, can prevent or relieve the muscle tension that builds up in our day-to-day routines. Strengthening postural muscles helps balance out the tension. Pilate gives the best results for people who sit and work at desks for long periods because having stronger core and back muscles can help you correct out of those classic desk postures that cause tension and pain in your shoulders, neck, and legs.

A Math that’s just needed for Pilate

When you think of Pilates, those complicated-looking machines may come to mind and seem intimidating. But doing Pilates requires a simple mat and doesn’t require any type of complex machine.

If you are looking for Pilate in Gurgaon, you may reach out to us at Rid of Pain Physiotherapy- Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Gurgaon


Repeat all exercises 10 Times

Frog Pilate

Practicing Frog Pilate- Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the ground. Lift your both legs and bring your heels together with your toes apart and your knees parallel to the shoulders. Exhale as you press the legs out at about a 45-degree angle, bringing your inner thighs together. Inhale to come back to the center

Toe Tap Pilate

Perform Toe Tap- Lie on your back with both knees bent and both feet flat on the surface. Have a deep breath in, then exhale out as you draw your stomach in towards your spine, and slowly bring both knees up to a table-top position. Draw the lower part of your ribs down toward your hips and tighten your core as if you were wearing a corset. Lower the right leg down to tap the toe on the ground while maintaining the involvement of the core. No movement above the hips and then your back should stay gently pressing into the floors while the abs are pulling in tightly. Exhale out as you lower the leg down, and inhale to bring it back up. Repeat on the left leg

Single Leg Straight Stretch Pilate

Lying on the ground, reach your legs straight up toward the sky. Lower the left leg to 45 degrees and bring the right leg to 90 degrees. Place your two hands behind the thigh or calf of the Ninety-degree leg as your curl up from the ground with your head, neck, and upper back. Switch legs, lowering the 90-degree leg and bringing the 45-degree leg closer to you, holding onto the back of that leg

Double Toe Tap Pilate

To do Double Toe Tap Pilate, we have to get into the same position we did for toe taps but now hug your knees together so that your inner thighs are involved. Squeeze both of your legs together and engage your abdominals.

Pelvic Tilt Pilate

Just Lie on your back on a mat, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Make sure your feet are parallel to your hips. Stretch your arms down toward your feet and take a deep breath. Raise your stomach and feel your low back arch slightly above the ground. Exhale as you tilt your pelvis forward and press your low back towards the ground. Try pulling your navel button inwards to your spine as if you are zipping into a smaller size of pants. Just release. Lower your toes toward the ground, keeping your knees bent.

Half Roll Down Pilate

Seated on the ground, bend your knees then reach your arms out in front of you with the shoulders relaxed. Pull the belly button in toward the spinal cord and slowly roll down halfway to the ground. Just Reach the arms up overhead, and then bring the arms back to center and slowly roll back up to the starting position.

Ab Crunch Pilate

Please formulate in to the pelvic tilt position from the exercise above. From this tilted position with your low back pressed into the ground put both of your hands behind your head. Exhale as you curl up with your head, neck, and chest. Keep the fixed distance between your chin and your chest with a gap of egg which you are trying to keep safe from breaking.

Pilate Bridge

To begin with, Pilate Bridge, lie on your back with your head resting on the floor. Keep your both arms straight at your sideways with your palms on the floor and bend your knees so your heels are kept under your knees. Now gently and slowly raise your hips in the direction of the ceiling fan by curling your low back, middle back, and then upper back away from the ground. Once you are above ground take a deep breath in then exhale as you slowly roll down one vertebra at a time and lower your hips.

