Sports Physiotherapy

Sports physiotherapy is a division of physiotherapy that is focused on both professional athletes and casual players who suffer an injury or ongoing problem. It’s a specialized type of physiotherapy developed to help with injuries that happened during sports activities. Whether you’re an athlete by profession or at the starting line of your athletic journey, sports physiotherapy is a suitable treatment. We at Rid Of Pain Physiotherapy are the Best sports physiotherapist in Gurgaon
• Identifying the cause of an injury
• Designing a customized treatment plan
• Rehabilitation
• Examining and diagnosing injuries
• Performance enhancement

sports therapy rid of pain


Muscle Strain

Muscle strain is one of the most common sports injuries that take place when a muscle is overstretched and gets torn. Muscle strains mainly affect the quadriceps, groin, lower back, calves, quadriceps, and shoulder.


Tendonitis is referred to as Inflammation of the tendon, associated with overuse, but can also be caused when a traumatic injury creates micro-tears in the muscle fibers.

Stress Fracture

Stress fractures are another form of overuse injury that takes place when the body muscles are not able to absorb the pressure, thus resulting in a fracture. Stress fractures usually impact the lower legs and feet. Female athletes are more prone to such types of injuries.


Acromioclavicular Joint Injury

The most commonly seen shoulder injury is the Acromioclavicular (AC) joint injury, also known as a shoulder separation which occurs when direct contact hit the shoulder with variable severity from a sprain to a complete tear of the ligaments. Its treatment includes immobilization by rest in a sling followed by isometrics and gentle range of motion exercises.


Hamstring Strains

A hamstring strain is usually caused when the muscles become overloaded, leading to a strain, or a complete tear. Possibility of Hamstrings injury increases during sprinting mostly in the game of cricket. The player feels sudden or severe pain during exercise, pain or tightness while straightening or bending the leg, and weight-bearing. Treatment by a sports physiotherapist in Gurgaon starts with Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation followed by progressive strengthening through exercise, scar tissue mobilization soft tissue massage, dry needling, and taping.


Contusions are known as  Direct impacts on the muscle causing injury. The faster the speed of the equipment that hits the player more severe the injury resulting in swelling and bruising of the area. RICE is recommended for treatment, and medical assistance may be required for more severe contusions.


Whiplash injury

This type of injury happens by an abrupt or unexpected backward or forward movement of the neck. head jerk and neck strains are caused by suddenly falling or getting hit causes. It occurs commonly in contact sports, causing pain, and numbness in the arms due to minor or major soft tissue damage to muscles and ligaments in the neck and vertebrae. The recovery of the person depends upon the severity of the injury.


Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder impingement occurs due to repetitive overhead movement during playing. Physiotherapy treatment for these injuries starts with rest, ice, and Kinesio-taping. strengthening exercises are designed by the sports physiotherapist to increase the flexibility of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, range of motion.


Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow injury occurs to the tendons located on the outer side of the elbow on this overuse and overload from the forehand stroke in tennis. Treatment for tennis elbow starts with rest, ice and Kinesio- taping. A wrist brace or tennis elbow band is a must in tennis elbow injury and customized physiotherapy exercises for stretching and strengthening the muscles are prescribed by a sports physiotherapist in Gurgaon for recovery.


Wrist strain

 Falling on an outstretched arm causes wrist sprains and wrist fractures. It occurs when the wrist moves in an abnormal position like a sudden twisting, bending backward, or sustaining heavy impact. In wrist sprain player feels tenderness, popping or tearing sounds, warmth, and difficulty in the slightest movement of the wrist.

Rotator Cuff Injury

Microtrauma is the most common cause of a rotator cuff tear which is repetitive and can occur over some time. Bruising or swelling occurs due to repeated rotator cuff injury by pinching or straining, catching, or squeezing the rotator cuff tendons. In the case of Rotator cuff, injury Physiotherapists focus on mitigating inflammation and pain by recommending a range of motion exercises,  isometric exercises, and capsular stretching, followed by isotonic exercises and aggressive pain-free strengthening.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

These injuries occur due to the laid-back grip, rotation of the palm upward, and quickly turning the wrist to perform the topspin. Treatment for these conditions involves rest, ice, Kinesio- taping and range of motion, and strengthening exercises.


Lower Back pain

Players suffer from low back pain due to the fast weight transfers, jumping, and twisting, resulting in repeated flexion, extension, rotation and lateral flexion of the spine commonly required during cocking or loading phase of the tennis serve.  The physiotherapist designs strengthening exercises for the back and abdominal muscles to increase strength.

Torn ACL

ACL or anterior cruciate ligament helps in keeping the knee joints together and brings stability. A Torn ACL is extremely painful and restricts the ability to walk. ACL injury takes place from a direct shot to the knees, or incorrect landing and or stopping and changing direction quickly.


Torn MCL

It is another form of a knee injury, which takes place when an injury occurs in the medial collateral ligament that connects the femur. It is caused when the knees are pushed sideways. Torn MCL knee injury is treated with help of ice compression, braces, and sports physical therapy sessions under the specialized treatment of a sports physiotherapist.


Pulled Calf Muscle

Pulled calf muscle injury occurs when any one of the muscles i.e gastrocnemius or soleus is pulled from the Achilles tendon. This occurs due to jumping or running. The player feels bruising, redness, mild swelling, and is unable to stand on the ball of the foot. 


Plantar Fasciitis

Inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament that connects the heel to the front of the foot is called Plantar Fasciitis. Putting too much strain and stress are the highlighted reasons behind this form of injury.


Ankle Sprains

It occurs when the toes are turned out while the foot is flexed upward.  Lateral ankle sprains can occur in football when a player kicks the ball with the top of their foot. Ankle sprains take place when the ligament that supports the joint gets overstretched due to improper reartepping or stepping on uneven ground or twists and rolls.

 Benefits of Sports Therapy

It Helps correct and improvise technique

Having a good technique can help athletes go faster, jump higher and lift heavier weights, all while also mitigating the risk of injury. The technique is the thing that is hard to evaluate by oneself as looking in a mirror can’t show you all of the angles and even watching a picture or video may not be able to show those minutes adjustments need to be made.

Return to play and maintenance

A big part of the rehabilitation program will be assessing you for return to play. These are assessments that we do to check if you would be ready to go back onto the field and compete, get back into the pool to race, or return to the gym for that powerlifting competition. Test your speed, agility, cutting maneuvers, balance, proprioception, strength, technique, and anything else that you would need to get back out there. The tests conduct also be specific to you and your sport which ensures that you’re physically ready and mentally confident.

Injury prevention

Sports Physiotherapist at Rid of Pain Physiotherapy has the advanced skill set to judge, evaluate and assess the specific sport you’re doing, including the intensity, frequency, and environment of your training sessions. It helps us identify various injury risks. It includes a customized warm-up routine that will help prepare you for the session, and a cool-down routine to help your body recover.

Acute/On-site Treatment

Sports physiotherapists are professionally qualified to assess and treat acute injuries and are often present during matches, competitions, and training sessions to ensure if any injury occurs during a practice session or competition, they are right there and can start treatment, advice, and manage the injury from the very beginning. Acute on-site treatment is extremely important, as to how to handle the injury in those initial critical moments


Sports physiotherapy by the best sports physiotherapist in Gurgaon can help you with general recovery even in the absence of injury. This includes soft tissue release, taping, dry needling, manipulation techniques, and some exercises to help maintain mobility and decrease stiffness.


Athletes and sports persons, in general, are never a fan of the word “rehab”, but many of our patients have enjoyed their rehab and have come out stronger after rehab. A structured rehabilitation program that not only focuses on healing sports injuries but also on maintaining fitness as much as possible and addressing any weak spots in movements that might have contributed to injury (strength, balance, stabilization, proprioception, etc.)

