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Musculoskeletal Disorders, Injury, Problems – Exercises To Prevent

Musculoskeletal Disorders at Work – Exercises to Prevent

Musculoskeletal disorders or diseases (MSDs) are injuries or problems of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, and spinal discs caused by bad posture or long hours at work.

Body response (e.g., bending, climbing, crawling, reaching, twisting), overexertion, or repeated motion cause musculoskeletal illnesses and disorders. Injury-related diseases are not included in MSDs.

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Musculoskeletal Injury – Causes 

There is the various reason for musculoskeletal disorders:

  • Age
  • Posture
  • overuse of joints (e.g., wrist pain due to typing)
  • lifestyle/ lack of physical activities
  • deficiency of nutrients

Symptoms of Musculoskeletal Disorders?

Significant common Symptoms of MSDs(musculoskeletal injury) are:

  • Recurrent Pain
  • Joints Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Dull Aching Pain
  • Restricted Movements

the most common areas of musculoskeletal injury are:

  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Wrists
  • Back
  • Hips
  • Legs
  • Knees
  • Feet

All these symptoms interfere with everyday activities like walking, sleeping or typing. These can trouble routine tasks.

How to treat musculoskeletal disorders?

musculoskeletal disorders

Your doctor will recommend a treatment plan based on your diagnosis and the severity of your symptoms. Pain management, exercises, and ergonomic guidance are all part of the treatment.

Physiotherapy aids in the management of pain and discomfort, the maintenance of strength and range of motion, as well as the adaptation of daily activities and settings.

How to prevent musculoskeletal disorders

  • MSDs are more likely to occur as people become older. Anyone may reduce their chance of having these ailments by taking care of their bodies throughout adulthood.
  • It is critical to cultivating a healthy lifestyle. Consume nutritious foods.
  • Regular strengthening and stretching exercises may help maintain bones, joints, and muscles healthy and ensure that daily tasks are carried out safely. To avoid back and neck pain, keep your posture upright.
  • Also, try to avoid doing repetitive actions and take regular rests.

Follow the Ergonomic at the workplace.                  

Musculoskeletal disorders exercises :

  • Eye Exercise: Do eye exercises if you are using a laptop or computer screen for a long. Eyes become tired with prolonged use of laptop. Eye exercises should be done when working with display screens. If your eyes are fixated on a screen/object for an extended amount of time, they may grow tired and blinking may become less frequent.
  • Neck exercises: Neck muscles get tired with the prolonged use of a laptop if u are sitting with forwarding head posture or static posture for prolonged time. Neck movements should be done in between and take frequent breaks from long sitting after every half an hour or 45 minutes. Do mild stretching and mobility exercises to prevent neck pain.
  • Shoulder exercises: Release the stress on the shoulder joint with shoulder shrug and shoulder circle exercises.
  • Upper back exercises: Exercises such as ‘upper back stretches’ can be done to reduce muscle fatigue/discomfort within the upper back.
  • Forearms and Wrist Exercise: Repetitive use of hands for typing can cause forearm, wrist and hand pain. Forearm and wrist stretches can be done to release muscle discomfort within the ‘forearms and wrists.

6)Lower back Exercises: Long sitting on a chair can cause discomfort in the lower back. So use the cushion in the lower back for support. Get out of the chair after every 30-45 minutes. Do side rotation or bending to stretch back muscles.

7)Hip and Knees Exercises: sitting must be comfortable with both knees apart and thighs supported. hips and knees must be 90-90 position. avoid sitting cross legs.

8)Ankle and foot Exercises: Feet must be resting on the floor. Do ankle toe movement frequently.


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